
Jellyfish Lamp Cleaning Rules & Watering Tips

Keep your jellyfish lamp shining with simple and effective cleaning rules.


By: Shuvo Das

Jellyfish Lamp Cleaning Rules

If you use the jellyfish lamp regularly and do not clean it, the water of the lamp becomes dirty after a few days. Several factors are responsible for dirtying; the light will get dirty quickly if not known. But it isn’t easy to clean if the dirt is too much. But you can clean it very easily and quickly if you follow our rules. To keep your jellyfish lights glowing brightly, follow a few rules for cleaning and maintenance.

Table of Contents

Materials you'll need:

  • Microfiber Cloth or Soft Cotton Cloth
  • Spray Bottle
  • Soft Brush or Toothbrush
  • Glass Cleaner
  • Lint-Free Cloths


1. Unplug the Lamp

Before you clean your jellyfish lamp, unplug the lamp because safety comes first. So clean the jellyfish tank by unplugging the lamp to avoid the risk of electric shock.

2. Remove the Jellyfish

Be careful when cleaning jellyfish. Carefully remove your jellyfish if they are separable. Otherwise, the jellyfish may be harmed. In addition to cleaning everything, it is essential to clean the jellyfish gently.

3. Empty the Tank

To thoroughly clean the jellyfish tank, pour the water from the tank over the basin. As a result, it will be convenient to clean the tank’s internal surfaces well.

4. Clean the Tank

Avoid cleaners that require scrubbing to clean the tank because the use of these cleaners can cause stains on the skin of the tank. So you clean the tank with warm water and mild detergent and wash it well. Wipe the inside of the tank thoroughly with a soft sponge or clean cotton cloth.

5. Clean the Jellyfish

If your jellyfish can be separated, gently pick them out. Avoid using harsh chemicals because they can damage the jellyfish material or discolour the jellyfish. So use a sponge or cotton cloth

6. Clean the Tank Interior

Use a long-handled soft brush or an aquarium cleaning brush to clean the inside of your jellyfish tank. Clean below and around thoroughly to remove long-standing algae buildup.

7. Inspect the Lighting Mechanism

Check the lighting system so that the lamps are burning brightly. Use a soft brush to remove dust that blocks the light so the light shines brightly.

8. Refill the Tank

Avoid using tap water in the jellyfish tank. This is because tap water can contain minerals that can hinder the clarity of tanker water. So you clean your tank and use distilled water or purified water.

9. Reassemble the Lamp

Keep the jellyfish carefully inside the tank. Follow the instructions for correct placement. Make sure all the components are in place.

10. Plug in the Lamp

After installing the jellyfish, plug it in. Then, see if the jellyfish are moving as before or if they glow as brightly as before. If everything is fine, then your cleaning process is delicate.

11. Regular Maintenance

Create a routine for cleaning your jellyfish tank. Depending on the usage, you should clean the lamps every few weeks.

12. Follow Manufacturer's Guidelines

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Follow the instructions during cleaning and maintenance. Lamps may have other features or materials that require special care.

Watering rules inside the jellyfish lamp

After cleaning an artificial jellyfish lamp or watering a new tank, follow a few rules for filling the tank. The lamp’s beauty can only be enjoyed if the rules are followed. Below are some rules for filling jellyfish lamps in water.

  1. Use distilled water instead of tap water inside the tank because tap water contains minerals that stick to the lamp’s surface and spoil the light’s beauty. So, use distilled water to enjoy the beauty of the light.
  2. After watering, mix liquid detergent with water. It will not pollute the water, and the movement of the jellyfish will be smooth.
  3. Fill the tank thoroughly with water so that bubbles do not form inside the water. Ensure the water does not come out and cover the watering place well.